Meet CEP Ottawa's Executive Team
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Michelle Cong
VP Business Development
Michelle has a master’s degree in green design. She has eight years of experience in sustainability, working with businesses, governments, non-profit organizations, and higher education institutions. Michelle’s goal is helping organizations and communities develop sustainability innovatively and inclusively.
Amanda Steski
VP Finance
Amanda is a Consultant (Sustainability Lead) for one of Canada’s most respected public-private partnership firms P1 Consulting / P3 Advisors. Outside of work, you can find Amanda at a concert, caring for her plants, breaking a sweat or spending quality time with family and friends over a craft beer.
Kevin Whalen
VP Marketing
Kevin has been working in the environmental industry since finishing college in 2017. He now operates his own marketing agency called Enviromarketing which offers digital marketing services to environmental businesses and enterprises. Kevin enjoys gardening and photography during his free time.
Stephen Malesevich
Stephen has had a varied career with positions in the private and public sectors, working in the fields of corporate social responsibility, energy technology programs, and human resources. His passion for the environment has led him to volunteer for initiatives at work and cultivate his green thumb at home.
Sushant Chopra
Director of Events
Sushant is a highly self motivated Program Management & Sustainability Professional with a demonstrated history of working in the upcoming field of Renewable Energy & Smart Grids. Sushant brings with him a promising educational background and sound analytical skills which would be instrumental in forwarding various businesses and ventures.